Company News

Embracing the Invitation of Spring: A Chronicle of the Nature

As the gentle breeze heralds the onset of spring, harmony reigns between the season and people, signaling the revival of all living things and the blossoming of thousands of trees and flowers. Coinciding with the quiet arrival of International Women's Day on March 8th, to express care and concern for the "other half of the sky" and to let women fully enjoy this special holiday, we at CARROL INTERNATIONALin collaboration with Dao Shang Consulting, the Human Resources Association, organized an outdoor fruit-picking event themed "Flourishing Elegance, Born from Beauty," attended by more than 50 participants.


In the afternoon, under the bright sunshine and led by a guide, we entered the Tomato Wisdom Estate. Accompanied by laughter and cheerful voices along the way, we walked between the fields, smelling the fragrance of tomatoes, spotting the sweet fruits hidden among the green branches—their bright red, plump, and juicy appearance making our mouths water.


During the picking session, guided by the staff of the estate, everyone entered the strawberry greenhouse to get up close with the pastoral scenery and personally experience the joy of harvesting and the pleasure of labor. Upon entering the greenhouse, the brightly colored cherry tomatoes caught our eyes—soft, plump, and resembling large gems, shimmering with an enticing luster. The full and vividly colored tomatoes presented a unique beauty in the fields, as if they were masterpieces created by nature itself.


In this vibrant orchard, the air was filled with the sweet scent characteristic of tomatoes. Our female colleagues, holding cute little baskets, couldn't wait to become happy little fruit farmers, picking and tasting the fruits as they went. Biting into one gently, the fresh and sweet juice immediately burst in their mouths—a flavor bestowed by nature that lingers delightfully. They closed their eyes, savoring this gift from nature and feeling the pure joy brought by the fruits. After hours of picking, our baskets were filled with colorful fruits tightly packed together, seemingly telling stories of the land's abundance and generosity. As the evening sun cast its last rays on the laden baskets, we embarked on our return journey with hearts full of satisfaction and joy.

The day's harvest was not just in the weight of the fruits but also in the gratitude for nature's endless gifts and the profound experience of agricultural life. Everyone expressed their intention to return to their work with renewed vigor and enthusiasm, continuing to embody the spirit of self-respect, confidence, independence, and strength that defines the new era of women.




Contact: Carrol Hu

Phone: +86-18251411345


Add: Room A-4-402,No.139 Renmindong Road,Haizhou District,Lianyungang,Jiangsu,China